jueves, 20 de noviembre de 2008


Hi, I have had the tutorial yesterday, I am going to explote my concept and start with ideas, at the moment I have writen two small briefs to develop between tomorrow and next wednesday. If I am not happy with the stuff I have probably I will change project.
The small project is as follow: Apply 3 existent games in 3 different situations and what kind spaces happen the action in the frame of 3 different stages in life: for example childhood around 10 years old, young around 35, and Old around 65.

To do that you have to study first:

- Think what are the situations, what are the spaces or objects in which the different people uses to use.

- What is funny for the different people in those different life stages, may be can be involved something related with its feeligns and desires they have?, its conditional life style can be involved.
- Make groups that involve the different people, spaces/objects they use to use, the games they like, their physical and psychical needs or understandings of the fun.
- Choose and analize the spaces when this groups of people interact or use more often, research a bit categories of objects and spaces that can be object of interest of this groups of people

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