While I was experimenting with balloons, one of them exploded and the people who was around me, me included, distract us from the tasks we were doing. This accident changed the direction of my project to start exploring the third of the points, what I called 'Deflection Distraction', basically the idea consists in design stimulus or experiences that distract the user from the thoughts he/she was experimenting before. It works specially when the thought is negative and is deviated before it becomes an obsession that could provoke pain or illness.
I designed an artifact and a game related with this concept of deflection distraction during the model week in the college.'The ring' was an experiment that cosist in a pice of cloth that can be worn around the neck, and with a tie which is draged while the user is walking. When somebody see that the user is lost in thoughts, he has the chance to distract him steping in the tie provoking a pull in his neck, fact that deflects their attention.