lunes, 29 de junio de 2009

While I was experimenting with balloons, one of them exploded and the people who was around me, me included, distract us from the tasks we were doing. This accident changed the direction of my project to start exploring the third of the points, what I called 'Deflection Distraction', basically the idea consists in design stimulus or experiences that distract the user from the thoughts he/she was experimenting before. It works specially when the thought is negative and is deviated before it becomes an obsession that could provoke pain or illness.
I designed an artifact and a game related with this concept of deflection distraction during the model week in the college.'The ring' was an experiment that cosist in a pice of cloth that can be worn around the neck, and with a tie which is draged while the user is walking. When somebody see that the user is lost in thoughts, he has the chance to distract him steping in the tie provoking a pull in his neck, fact that deflects their attention.

This is an example of a unusual therapy, stage where I was exploring ways to relief stress. This therapy consists in tear out paper from the surface of something, like walls, and to experiment the pleasure of the feeling while modifying the physical scenario. Through this action the user relief his tension through physical exercise, among other things.

domingo, 28 de junio de 2009

From this point I started experimenting with ballons in different ways, this video shows an example of one of these experiments, playing with energy produced by the air to produce movement.

These objects inspired me to start developing ideas based in its properties, utopic landscapes where people can interact with its structures that can be used in different ways, as a way to break spatial boundaries to create spaces to feel the other, as a therapy to combat the stress produced by the external intrusions in our routines bubble.
These sketches show the idea of an interactive space where people have fun with the elements and objects installed there. Since there I started to focus in therapies to combat the consecuences of these external intrusions that produce stress, and objects that could relief it.

martes, 23 de junio de 2009

After this series of prototypes I started exploring other ways to enrich the project. As I was saying in the point where I left the blog before christmas, I was developing small briefs to explore objects and activities that we see as playful and its relation with the individual, which I catalogued according with their age.
The first small project was focused into explore things that children that are between 6 and 12 years old use to play with or consider playful (apart of videgames and electronic devices). The research demostrated that they like, among other things, objects that have the capacity to bounce as balls, balloons, springs, trampolines, etc....

Here is another idea that I called the 'spider net', it is another way to connect two structures, in this case two buildings, in a different way to break the boundaries that prevent the freedom of access and performance of the individuals interaction. To do that I changed once again the context of a commonly accepted 'playful object', a swing that we can find in the beach or in some playgrounds, that consists in ropes disposed in a way that weaves a labyrinthine structure where the user have fun while is exploring the different stages throught the action of climbing them.
In this uncertainty the user has the feeling of being lost but at the same time the hope of finding someone or something within this structure keeps the user in constant movement and research of the space.

There it was another idea that comes from the inspiration in the Tate Modern installation in 2006, where three huge slides were placed in the Turbine hall. I used this idea but to connect buildings, I used the roller coaster as a vehicle to break the spatial boundaries among buildings and to provide other ways to access them.

Hi, here I am again!, sorry about my long absence, I have been very busy but I have time now to continue blogging the process of my project.
Before continuing from the point I left the process last time, I have to add some relevant models and ideas that have been impotant to develop this project and that I forgot to add.
There are three models that were part of the series of designs related with my obsession to break spatial boundaries, and give the spaces a playful element that break its routines.
I started applying existent structures that we can find in places like playgrounds or fairs to urban espaces to interconnect its structures like buidings, etc...

The 'Hammer' is a popular machine in fairs and I used it in this case changing its context to connect two buildings, and give the possibility to enjoy the same space in two different locations or structures.